Competing with the Ultimate Super Late Model Series, Riley Hickman traveled to North Georgia Speedway (Chatsworth, Georgia) on Friday night. In a field of thirty-five Super Late Models for the series...
Riley Hickman traveled to Cochran Motor Speedway (Cochran, Georgia) on Saturday competing in both the Super and Crate Late Model divisions. Drawing twenty-six Late Models for the Southern All Star Se...
Making the trip to Winchester Speedway (Winchester, Tennessee), Riley was one of thirty-one Super Late Models signed on Saturday night for the unsanctioned WinterFest. Earning a 10th place starting s...
Riley Hickman traveled to Boyd’s Speedway (Ringgold, Georgia) on Saturday night for the unsanctioned Cabin Fever 40. With fifty-three Super Late Models signed in for the $3,500-to-win A-Main, Hickman...
Returning behind the wheel on the first day of the new year, Riley Hickman made the trip to 411 Motor Speedway (Seymour, Tennessee) on Friday night for the Hangover 40. Drawing forty-one Super Late M...